About William H. Bates, MD
William H. Bates, M.D. was a ophthalmologist in New York City in the early 20th century. He lived from December 23, 1860 to July 10, 1931.
After many years in practice Dr. Bates came to a revolutionary conclusion. He found that the strength of a person’s vision varies, and that there are things the individual can do to make their vision stronger and more clear.
Dr Bates
The cause of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, he asserted, is not an accident of the physical shape of the eye. Instead, poor vision comes from using the eyes in a tense, unnatural way. In a word, poor vision comes from staring.
The cause of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, he asserted, is not an accident of the physical shape of the eye. Instead, poor vision comes from using the eyes in a tense, unnatural way. In a word, poor vision comes from staring.
Dr. Bates developed a philosophy and a system of eye exercises which he felt could completely heal, or at least improve, anyone’s vision.
To explain his findings and put forth his approach to healing the eyes, he published his cornerstone work in 1920 – a book titled “Perfect Eyesight Without Glasses.”
Since then, the Bates Method has become the most popular and respected approach to improving the vision.
This is the original Perfect Eyesight without Glasses: 1920 Edition written by Doctor Bates.