Trusted Links
Marlies Cocheret de la Moriniere
Marlies is an extraordinary meditation teacher in Santa Cruz who goes beyond talking about it. She guides her students to direct experience.
marliescocheret.comJeffrey Yuen
Dr. Yuen is a very well-known teacher of Classical Chinese medicine with whom I had the good fortune to take many classes. He is also a Daoist master.
A contemporary teacher rooted in the Zen tradition, his approach is direct, down-to-earth and very deep.
adyashanti.orgRupert Spira
A contemporary teacher of Non-Duality, his teaching has the crystalline clarity which gets me to relax and open.
non-duality.rupertspira.comSally Kempton
Sally Kempton teaches devotional contemplative tantra—an approach to spiritual practice that creates a fusion of knowing and loving.
sallykempton.comDr. Bill Little
Dr. Bill teaches in the tradition of Sciend of Mind (Ernest Holmes) and many others, including Siddha Yoga. His down-to-earth approach is a joy. “All thought is creative.”
centerforspiritualawakening.orgGabor Mate, MD
A contemporary physician with a profound understanding of all addictions, great and small.
drgabormate.comJoe Dispenza, DC
Dr. Dispenza has a profound understanding of the connection between healing and the underlying intelligence of the universe.
drjoedispenza.comColin Tipping
His teachings of “Radical Forgiveness” helped me let go of the past and live in the present.
radicalforgiveness.comJoe Mercola, MD
Dr. Mercola is well-known in the field of functional medicine. This is science-based medicine which goes beyond the current, conventional view. His website is a gold mine of scientific knowledge freed from the bias of big pharma and big research.
mercola.comStuart Alve Olson
Stuart Alve Olson is a teacher of classical Daoism.
Byron Katie
“The Work” is great if your mind ties you up in knots and torments you. It takes the power out of the negative thoughts and stories.
thework.comBreast Health Project
I recommend all women learn this simple, brief and easy-to-learn form of self breast massage to create and maintain breast health.