Completion: The Circle of the Microcosmic Orbit

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Completion: The Circle of the Microcosmic Orbit


mp4 Video; 56 minutes

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Qi Gong is really very simple. Consciousness returns to the physical body, and this strengthens the body and initiates healing.

The basic principal of Qi Gong is that the life energy follows the awareness. So we can decide where our energy goes simply by putting awareness into that area. For most people, their consciousness is very much dissociated from their living body. Therefore less and less energy goes into the body; the body weakens and falls ill. For healing, the act of returning awareness to the body is more important than diet, exercise or pills.

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In examining their experience of the human body, ancients discovered certain energy centers which are important and powerful. Many of these lie along the main highway of energy circulation (which is on the midline of the front and back of the body). This energy highway makes a loop which they call the Microcosmic Orbit. The Microcosm is the secret universe within us.

This video introduces you to these energy centers and their significance.