Crafting a Healthy Lifestyle


Crafting a Healthy Lifestyle

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$12.00

mp3 audio

one hour

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Once we have healing habits, it's easy. Until then, a planned and deliberate framework for healthy living can make an unbelievable difference in our well-being. That framework is going to look different for everyone.

One key thing: our health regimens should be easy, relaxed and joyful. Otherwise, it's just not going to happen. Sure, there's some work involved. But we have to be gentle with ourselves, and forgiving as well.

There are five main areas where we can set healthy intentions that will serve us and our loved ones:

  • Learning - Learning can be one of the most joyful and exciting experiences life offers. Have you seen the radiance of children as they make a new discovery about this world? The invitation is to explore ways to be healthy that are fresh, intense and immediately relevant to you. If it's just plain boring, we're doing something wrong.

  • State of Mind - Every thought and feeling that moves within us reverberates throughout our nervous system, our metabolism, and our social network. Only when we calm and ground our state of mind can all other aspects of our lifestyle work for us.

  • Movement and Breathing - "I live, therefore I move." Everyone can find ways of moving and breathing that gets their bodies humming with vitality. Physical limitations are not an issue. In fact, the more limitations there are in the body, the greater the need to move as the body allows.

  • Diet - A healthy diet will be different for everyone, but there are certain fundamentals. Fresh, organic food is key. The energy put into preparing food definitely pays off in vitality and well-being. And diet is not only about what we eat, but how we eat it! Eat your food with loving gratitude.

  • Sleep Deep sleep is deeply healing. Yet such refreshing sleep eludes many. There are ways to to maximize good sleep. And when you can't sleep, you can still learn how to rest in quietude and stillness.

Cultivating our own health is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our loved ones, our society and our culture. The recordings in the store and the "In the Palace of Health" Zoom sessions are intended to help you explore all these areas.

I encourage you to set a clear intention and walk the path!

With a wish that all be happy and healthy,
